• State-Mandated Testing

  • Documents

    (all documents will be linked when available)


    DCSD Assessment Schedule, 2023-2024

    DCSD Assessment Policy


    Excusal Information Letter (Detailed Building Information -To be linked soon.)

    State-Assessment Information

  • State Testing Excusal opens on October 1, 2023. Please submit excusals information by December 15, 2023 if possible. The excusal window will remain open for the time being.

    Dear CMS Families,


    Let me begin by clearing up any questions over what CMAS testing is for Cresthill. CMAS is the overarching category to describe CMAS, and the more specialized WIDA/ACCESS, DLM, and CoAlt assessments.


    7th graders will take:

    • CMAS English Language Arts 
    • CMAS Mathematics

    8th graders will take:

    • CMAS English Language Arts 
    • CMAS Mathematics 
    • CMAS Science


    We at Cresthill work diligently to meet the requirements and procedures for state-mandated assessments and the demands of a rigorous and continuing learning environment. To best plan for the needs of our students we are asking our community to have conversations about individual wishes for participation in these assessments sooner rather than later. If you determine that you do not wish to participate in CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) testing this spring we ask that you use the district procedure and excuse your students at your earliest convenience.


    Thank you for your continued support in Cresthill,

    Mark Wakefield

    Professional Learning Specialist

    School Assessment Coordinator



    For help accessing the Parent Portal:

    Charise Hunter – School Registrar




    Other questions:

    Gina Chambers -- Assistant Principal

